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    Yesterday the 7th January

    terrorist attack took place outside the Charlie Hebdo offices , twelve people were dead and many policemen have sacrificed their life to save the maximum of the innocents.
    This act was committed against freedom of speech because this newspaper
    publishes satirical cartoons which were often debate. The world is thunderstruck and France  had not suffered a terrorist attack since 20 years. Today one minute of silence was imposed by the President and National Education to commemorate the memory of the victimes. France defends freedom of expression, freedom of speech

    Charlène and Naomi. #jesuisCharlie

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  • This year, it is the end of a year who has been constructive and rewarding.

    Even if we didn't expect a level much higher compared to last year, we can see that we have improved a lot. Despite our difficulties, the Final Tasks in English helped us get closer thanks to the stress they engendered, we stayed in solidarity in front of the most complicated situations and the most comics. Besides, despite our different characters and personnalities we managed to all be friends and next year seems promising.

    We have changed, evolved, and today we are very happy for being in this class and not in another because we are all complementary and solidarity.

    Thank you all for this wonderfull year ! kiss

    We are all agree to say that the 1ereL remain  irreplaceable and unforgettable. winktongue

    Naomi and Manon (the CRAZY duo !)

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    On Friday, June 5th, will take place the party of the end of year of the high school Dumont D' Urville, which would have been able not to take place. Actually, one week before the date, only 12 people joined. What put a lot of pressure to the organizers of the agora party. Very fortunately thanks to the CVL, which shared on the social networks and passed in the classes, we count 180 reservations. We asked the people who did not join, why they do not want to come, and one of the most frequent reasons, was the price which is 5€ - far too expensively for some, but what they ignore, it is that even his 5€ a person don't cover the expenses which costs this evening.

    The clothing theme of this year for this evening is the masked ball.


    Agora Party


    But thanks to the CPE we were able to have all the materials necessary for the manufacturing of the decorations which has for theme this year " the boat " - as the shape of the high school which we changed in "Titanic" for the occasion. Many people put a lot into this project, whether it is for the organization, the music, the decorations or the food. 30 hours before the beginning of the agora party, all this is not still completely finished, we still make the last modifications and distribute the last boarding passes of Titanic.

    The people who have not bought their places yet and wish to go there, have to appear quickly at the bottom of the agora.


    Agora Party

    By Lise & Julie R.

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  • It has been a enrcihing year of english! We improved our language and our english these three semesters. We also learned and worked on many interesting topics. LVA permited us to obtained many knowledges on American history and South Africa too.

    Anna : Immigration in America, segregation in the 19th century, slavery... all these topics were lucrative for me because we learned many things we didn't know before. The most amazing subject we studied was the one of Selma to Montgommery. Martin Luther King is a source of insparation and I admire the amazing travel he did with the black people for equality and justice.


    Myriam : I think that this years helped us to preparated ourselves for the exam intented to the next year. Personnaly the topic I prefer was the one of South Africa! I knew that Nelson Mandela was a powerfull man but I learned his story. He reunited his people by an incredible way : he supported the rubgy team of SA, the Springbucks. My knowledge of South Afrcia has doubled.


    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Flag_of_South_Africa.svg/1280px-Flag_of_South_Africa.svg.png http://www.mediatheques-plainecentrale94.fr/sites/default/files/7474.png



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    We just finished to watch the film: Invictus, which closes the 1L's English Class 2014-2015.


    All along the year, we learnt different subjects as the first one which deals with the Immigration in the USA more specific about Ellis Island and Angel Island, by going through the slavery across the United States Of America which was abolished in 1865 with the 13th Amendment. As well as the first and the second world wars, helped by the testimonies of the veterans but also by the diaries, letters of the soldiers. Finally, we studied the laws which circumvented the black citizens' rights, longside learning the Apartheid and the end of it, and also how Mandela reunited the South Africa by changing the attitudes of the whites.

    It was a good year, we appreciated the topics that we learnt because we think that it's interesting for our culture, and it will help for the next year.

    The last article of the year

    Charlène & Laurine.


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  • Harry Potter's exhibition comes in France


    The English saga Harry Potter renowned all around the world for the books, but also for the films has now an exhibition in France.

    After a few years after the end of Harry Potter, they decided to create an exhibition on it, regrouping some famous accesories, costumes and authentic creatures which were used on the films to get into the wizardry saga. 

    In order to start up this exhibition, they brought some accessories of the Warner Bros Studion in London, where we can find Harry Potter's backstage.

    Before it moved on in Paris at La Cité du Cinéma in Saint-Denis, the exhibition began in Cologne in Germany the first of March. The exhibition will run in Paris until the 6th of September 2015. So if you loved and you are facinated about the films I invite you to visit it, you won't regret it ! yes




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